Tf2 source 2
Tf2 source 2

tf2 source 2

Tyler McVicker: The Halloween update was broken all weekend Tyler McVicker: They are not doing the best of jobs right now Tyler McVicker: I think it's more fun then CS and DOTA Cephalon Cephalon: there are like 5 people working on tf2 atm Tyler McVicker: TF2 is one of my favorite games of all time Tyler McVicker: However, CS is dying down, and TF is nowhere near what it was Cephalon Cephalon: funny how you don't mention tf2 Tyler McVicker: Then CS:GO became a much better game and that took man power over Tyler McVicker: And I've allways thought that most of the HL people went over to work on the DOTA cash cow Tyler McVicker: It didn't start the public beta around 12 Cephalon Cephalon: dota has quite the interesting history too


Tyler McVicker: I know that Valve got the license way before 12 Tyler McVicker: Esentually fleshing out Ep3 into a whole game with a much longer story Tyler McVicker: This is very unknown in the community, however it points to the idea that the initial H元 was borrowing many ideas from whatever was being deved for Ep3 Tyler McVicker: Now, Durring the steampipe updates, there was a map that leaked, that involved bringing gas tanks to a helicopter pad in the artic Tyler McVicker: Ep3 was forgotten in the chaos, and it wasn't until 2010 that dev restarted, however with the bigger scope of H元 instead of Ep3

tf2 source 2

Tyler McVicker: And the rest of POrtal 2 takes shape with a big team until 2011 Tyler McVicker: F-Stop stops in like 2009-ish Tyler McVicker: Ep3 was being dev before this happened, but afterwards was stalled due to everyone wanting to go in and work on Portal 2 Tyler McVicker: And most of Valve's projects were put on hold and this is where F-Stop and Time and 2 Bots 1 Wrech came from Tyler McVicker: Once the junket was over, the science fair started Cephalon Cephalon: I'm gonna be real impressed if you can guess the theme ans setting of each iteration Tyler McVicker: After Orange Box, Newell, Wolpaw, Falisek, Jeep, Swift and a few others were on this press junket Tyler McVicker: Okay well, what I thought was Cephalon Cephalon: I give up, you win, keyboard Cephalon Cephalon: multiple attempted, geez, spellinh Cephalon Cephalon: there were multiple attempts development resets. Cephalon Cephalon: do you want me to summarize? Tyler McVicker: Also she is one of those stalkers I was telling you about Tyler McVicker: However, the rest of her story is all over the place Tyler McVicker: She is going around telling people that it only recently start up dev again like, a few months ago Tyler McVicker: Who claims to know everything, and she is one of the people that also claims to have the source dev repo Tyler McVicker: I have been studying this for a big video for Feb/March Cephalon Cephalon: just how much do they know? Tyler McVicker: There are a lot of people that claim to know Cephalon Cephalon: really curious about that because we keep hinting and no one really picks up on anything

  • Enhanced Panorama GUI, designed to be more user friendly.Cephalon Cephalon: may i ask how much peope on the outside know about what happened to Half-Life between Ep2 and today?.
  • Support for the Steam Audio sound system.
  • Native OpenGL support on all platforms.
  • Makes use of the Vulkan 3D Graphics and Computing API.
  • Lower latency and more responsive input.
  • Support for both forward and deferred rendering pipelines.
  • Completely rebuilt Hammer level editor, featuring modern polygon mesh editing tools.
  • New engine-integrated authoring tools, rebuilt from the ground up.
  • Integrated asset management via the Asset System.
  • Support for 32-bit, OpenGL, DirectX 9, XAudio, and macOS versions below 10.14 were removed in 2021. The engine is capable of rendering highly complex and well detailed scenes with minimal framerate drops, thanks to its new 64-bit support alongside Vulkan, allowing for better multi-core rendering and more efficient 3D rendering. Valve has announced that Source 2 will be released to the public for free, and it will only take money should it be used for commercial products. It was then implemented into Dota 2 on June 17th 2015. Source 2 was first made public with the Dota 2 Workshop Tools Alpha in August 6th 2014 and formally announced by Valve in March of 2015 at the Game Developers Conference. Elements of Source 2 are present in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, such as Panorama UI. It is used in Dota 2, SteamVR Home, Half-Life: Alyx, S&box, and more. Source 2 is a 3D video game engine in development by Valve as a successor to Source. Todo: This page is not a stub but could use some more detail.

    Tf2 source 2