Gloomhaven envelope a
Gloomhaven envelope a

gloomhaven envelope a

If I fulfill the conditions of my personal quest and then do something so that they are no longer fulfilled, do I still retire? No, you must be fulfilling the conditions of your personal quest at the time you retire. You also get credit for kills if your summon lands the killing blow. If I have to kill a certain number of something, do I have to land the killing blow? Yes.

gloomhaven envelope a

What scenarios are considered to be crypts? Any scenario with "crypt" in the title. What scenarios are considered to be inside the Misty Sea? 17, 30, 37, 47, 64, 70, 74, and 93. What scenarios are considered to be inside the Watcher Mountains? 9, 13, 63, 65, 73, 76, 80, 82, and 85. What scenarios are considered to be inside the Lingering Swamp? 19, 32, 45, 49, 61, 62, 68, and 79. Players should still shuffle the corresponding attack modifier deck at the end of a round after one of these cards is drawn.What scenarios are considered to be inside Gloomhaven? Any scenario marked on the zoomed-in inset in the top right of the map is considered to be in Gloomhaven (even 58 and 86). Game Variant: Reduced Randomness If players desire to reduce the variance in damage caused by the “2x” and “Null” attack modifier effects, they can instead treat BLESS and the standard “2x” cards as a +2 modifier and CURSE and the standard “Null” cards as a -2 modifier. Have a party reputation of 10 or higher – open box Have a party reputation of 20 – add City Event 76 and Road Event 67 to the deck Have a party reputation of -10 or lower – open box Have a party reputation of -20 – add City Event 77 and Road Event 68 to the deck Retire a character – open the Town Records Book Gain 5 “Ancient Technology” global achievements – open envelope Have a par ty gain both “The Drake’s Command” and “The Drake’s Treasure” party achievements – add City Event 75 and Road Event 66 to the decks, and gain “The Drake Aided” global achievement Donate a total of 100 gold to the Sanctuary of the Great Oak – open envelope Special Condit ions for Opening Envelopes “Look, you can go do her bidding like a good little puppy if you want, but if you’d rather actually help this town keep the peace and a If an item design is gained as a reward, players should find all copies of that item from the deck of unavailable items and add them to the city’s available supply of items. If an item is gained as a reward, players should find one copy of that item from the deck of unavailable items and give it to one of the present characters. These are simply references to what the story text is referring to. Note that the scenario numbers in circles within the story text do not unlock scenarios. When a new scenario is unlocked, find its corresponding number on the world map using its grid location and place the sticker matching the scenario on top of it . “She’s been trying to overthrow the military in Gloomhaven for as long as I’ve been here, and we’re all very curious about what her current machinations are.ġ5 gold each +1 prosperity Rewards : Jekserah’s Plans Party Achievement : Sure, she’s a merchant, but she’s up to something far more sinister.

gloomhaven envelope a

“I know, I don’t xactly look the part, but if anyone isn’t what they appear to be, it’s that Valrath you’ve been talking to. “Argeise, city guard,” she says, introducing herself. 42, if a scenario reward directs a party to lose something, they can’t lose more than what they have. Rewards can include global or party achievements, extra gold or experience for each party member, prosperity increases, unlocked scenarios, items, or item designs. These are listed at the end of the scenario’s entry in the Scenario Book. When a scenario is successfully completed as part of the campaign, a number of rewards are gained by the party. Gloomhaven Warehouse 8 (C-18), Diamond Mine 9 (L-2) New Locations :

Gloomhaven envelope a full#

She’s clad in dark leather armor and holds a conspicuous contraption full of whirring gears and topped with a conical metal piece connected to a tube. You turn around to see a female Quatryl step out of the alley beside Jekserah’s house. We’ll get to the bottom of Jekserah’s plans and expose her for who she really is.” 8 Not get overrun by the wilds, I have a different idea.

Gloomhaven envelope a